Photo d'un comité de suivi d'une mine.

Why a monitoring committee?

Since 2017, a monitoring committee, composed of local citizens, members of First Nations, business representatives and local organizations, has been assisting NMG in the development of the Matawinie project. It ensures that the implementation of the project respects the milieu, minimizes environmental impacts, and integrates the concerns and expectations of the community. 

The sharing of local know-how, local realities and scientific knowledge through exchanges and meetings of the monitoring committee enables us to validate and improve our plans to develop an economically, socially and environmentally promising project for the entire region.

Une femme souriant à la caméra avec des arbres aux couleurs d'automne derrière.

Céline Racine – Member of the monitoring committee

“I’ve been sitting on the monitoring committee as a community representative since 2017.

Having spent my whole life in Saint-Michel out of love for the nature that surrounds it, I chose to get involved with the committee to ensure that the evolution of NMG’s project harmonizes with the realities of the various host communities.”

Members of the monitoring committee

The committee is made up of citizens, elected officials, business people and socio-economic organizations from the municipalities of Saint-Michel-des-Saints and Saint-Zénon, as well as from the Atikamekw community of Manawan. NMG representatives sit on the committee on a regular basis, while others participate on an occasional basis, depending on the topics addressed. The committee meets at least four times a year.

Pierre Allard

Citizen of Saint-Zénon

Mireille Asselin

Representative, Conseil régional de l’environnement de Lanaudière

Micheline Beaulieu

Saint-Zénon City Councillor

Laura-Camille Bélanger

NMG Representative

Catherine Paul-Hus

NMG Representative

Martine Paradis

NMG Representative

Francis Bouwmeester

Recreation and Tourism Representative

France Chapdelaine

Upper Matawinie Chamber of Commerce

Julien Charette

Representative, Bassin Versant Saint-Maurice

Glen Dubé

Elected official, Manawan Atikamekw Council

Réjean Gouin

Municipality of Saint-Michel-des-Saints

Richard Lauzière

Citizen of Saint-Michel-des-Saints

Diane Messier

Representative from the community sector

Céline Racine

Citizen of Saint-Michel-des-Saints

Alain Tellier

Citizen of Saint-Michel-des-Saints

Catherine Paul-Hus, coordinatrice relations communautaires

Catherine Paul-Hus

Manager Community Relations